
Battersea Consultants understands that every company has different needs in terms of manpower requirements. Having said that, we are the leading recruitment agency in New Delhi. By helping our clients with efficient and effective manpower recruitment services, we maintain our reliability and ensure clients’ growth and development.

Though we are registered under this domain, “Battersea Consultants” for the past ten years, however, we started working actively under this name in 2019 only.

Our highly skilled team of professionals helps us achieve our goals. Thus several small, medium and large scaled businesses consider us to be the most suitable recruitment company that can contribute towards the smooth running of the business.

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Recruitment Process of Battersea Consultants

The recruitment process of Battersea Consultants is a step-by-step strategic basic process. The chronological steps are explained below:

Understanding Client’s Business

Before beginning our actual process, we believe in conversing with our clients about their business. In this discussion, we try to understand the client’s business extensively so that we can prepare our recruitment strategy accordingly. According to the nature and requirements of the business, recruitment strategy also varies.

Understanding Job Profiles

After we know the client’s business well, the next step is to understand the position roles for which we are given the responsibility of recruiting. Battersea considers this the most crucial step as it forms a strong base in the recruitment process. Herein, we thoroughly analyze Job duties, job qualifications, employee suitability, and much more.

Using Headhunting, Advertisements, and References

Moving ahead, the next step includes sourcing strategies. You will be amazed to know that Battersea Consultants have multiple sources to fulfill the manpower requirement in businesses. We use the following techniques:

  • Headhunting: Through headhunting, Battersea Consultants takes the responsibility of recruiting senior positions in any organization that involves a highly unique set of skills. We primarily focus on recruiting senior employees to fulfill the topmost position of any organization.
  • Advertisements: Battersea Consultants shares all the job openings on multiple online platforms which have high engagement rates and thus give an excellent response. This way we heavily advertise the job profiles which in turn helps us find a plethora of suitable candidates.
  • References: Battersea Consultants has numerous relations with multiple clients ranging from different types of business. These links act as professional references for our recruiting process and thus we get a lot of assistance from them while we are searching for potential candidates. Because of the exceptional business connections we maintain, we remain on top of the advantage in our service.

Resumes Shortlisting By the Clients

After we submit the list of all suitable candidates to our clients, they inspect the profiles of all suitable candidates and shortlist some of them to call for the interview process. This process involves filtering out the irrelevant resumes so that only outstanding resumes remain in the queue.

Scheduling Interviews

As soon as the resumes are shortlisted, our clients contact us to schedule either a face-to-face or an online interview with the candidates. We call those whose resumes are selected for an interview process. We contact the candidates through calls, messages, or emails. We schedule the interview on those days which are chosen by the clients.

Briefing the Candidate on the Position/Organization

Either the candidate may know the job profile well or may not know at all. Hence, Battersea Consultants see this as its responsibility to brief about the candidates’ job profiles properly. Irrespective of the candidate’s knowledge of the job role, we communicate the job description beforehand once so that if the candidate is having any confusion about the job role, we can clarify it on a priority basis.

Receiving Feedback From the Client and the Candidate

As soon as the interview is completed, Battersea Consultants takes the feedback from the client as well as the candidate. On the basis of feedback given by both, we analyze our performance and measure how effectively we were able to fulfill our client’s expectations. We understand where we lacked and try to improve it ahead.

By understanding candidates’ feedback, we get to know the whole scenario. He/she shares his/her experience from the interview which gives us a more clear idea about our selection of candidates for different job roles. In simple terms, feedback helps us correct our mistakes and thus we can hone the quality of our recruitment services.

Selection Offer Keeping Track of the Candidate Till Joining

Battersea keeps a track of candidates sent for an interview till he/she joins the workplace. We contact the candidate to confirm this through phone calls or messages. After candidates join the corporate place officially, our recruitment process ends and the candidate turns into a regular employee of the company. Thereafter, the company will deal with its employee till he/she serves the organization.

Final Words

Every big and small business considers Battersea Consultants as one of the emerging recruitment third-party service providers. The systematic planned strategy we make helps us deal with every kind of situation amidst our work in a professional way.

Our high-quality services speak louder for Battersea Consultants and that’s the reason why every type of business ranging from small to big industries should approach us for hiring efficient third-party HR services.